Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne Wiki
Character Bio

Noin Claude (ノイン・クロード, Noin Kurōdo) is a demon and one of the three main antagonists in the second season of Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne as well as the manga adaption.

He has a human alias, Shikaidou Hijiri (紫界堂聖, Hijiri Shikaidō) which he uses to approach Maron and Chiaki at school.

In manga he calls himself Demon Knight.



En su forma humana Noin tiene pelo largo y rojizo, ojos rojizos y una piel algo tostada. En su forma de demonio, se lo ve con pelo súper largo y negro, piel más clara y ojos morados.


Noin era una persona mala y parecía sabio. Él odiaba a Kaitou Jeanne por ser la reencarnación de Jeanne d'Arc y la quería matar por Jeanne. Al final, Jeanne d'Arc le dice que deje vivir a su reencarnación y él decide proteger a Kaitou Jeanne con todas sus fuerzas, pero acaba muriendo.





Noin Claude trying to seduce Maron

He disguises himself as a teacher at Momokuri Academy. Five hundred years ago, he was a knight who assisted the original Jean d'Arc and fell in love with her however, she could not be with him since she was devoted to God. However, once Jeanne d'Arc was burned at the stake by Christian priests who denounced her as a worker of Satan, he sold his soul to the Devil so he could get revenge on God. He initially despises Maron for taking the role of Jeanne's reincarnation and does not truly believe that she could stand up to being Jean d'Arc's successor. He even tries to seduce her on numerous occasions and causes a rift in the relationship between her and Chiaki.

Eventually he does fall in love with Maron. When Maron travels back in time and meets Jeanne d'Arc before her death, she meets Noin Claude who regretfully apologizes for what he's done. In the manga omake, he is shown to say that he will wait for Jeanne d'Arc's next incarnation, whomever it will be. In the anime, he dies protecting Maron and his soul later joins with Jeanne d'Arc.


He's in charge of teaching history in Momokuri Hischool.

In the manga, the story is similar to the one with the anime adaption and even attempts to rape her so she will be unable to become Kaitou Jeanne, as she can only do so if she is a virgin. But his attempt fails.


  • Meaning of name Hijiri translated means holy man or saint.